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Business Hub Overview

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business Hub


To better provide our customers and partners with all of the tools necessary to manage their devices, Avast has created a multi-tenant cloud-based console to upgrade the Avast Business Cloud Console. This gives administrators and partners a simple overview of all customers and the status of their devices.

The normal Hub allows users to create Sites, but if a Partner registers for the Hub via the Partner Portal, their console will use "Customers" instead of "Sites". These terms will be used more or less interchangeably in the documentation.

Single- vs. Multi-Tenant Console

It is no longer possible to register a multi-tenant console directly during the registration, unless you have a special link provided by sales or have registered via the Avast Partner Portal. The conversion to multi-tenant is now done post-registration, via the Company profile page of the Hub.


Small and medium businesses are likely only managing their own devices and will only need one account. This option will set up a single-tenant account in the Hub, and there will not be any partner-level options like the customer drop-down menu.

Larger businesses and partners tend to manage multiple smaller companies (or sites). A multi-tenant account in the Hub enables you to create multiple customers/sites from the same top-level account. You can add administrators to a single company, who will only have access to the single-tenant version.

If you are a partner, you will need to sign up for the Hub from the Partner Portal to receive the Partner version of the multi-tenant console.

Feature Overview

The Hub provides new and additional features to many previous Cloud Console options.

Data Center Locations

Avast has data centers in four locations:

  • Oregon (status for cluster in New York data center)
  • Belgium (status for cluster in Prague data center)
  • South Carolina (status for cluster in Seattle data center)
  • Germany (status for cluster in Frankfurt data center)

You can check their status anytime at and, if needed, subscribe to data center status updates.

You can also see maintenance-related details here and if any incidents have been reported and when.