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Generating HAR Files


HAR (HTTP archive format) files are JSON archive files that store session data over many browsers between client and server. HAR files save the information for all web requests made with the browser tab to help detect bottlenecks and vulnerabilities.

If your support agent requests a HAR file, follow the steps below to generate one.

Generating Files

Google Chrome

The following instructions also work for any other Chromium-based browser, such as Edge, Vivaldi, Opera, etc.

  1. Open your browser to the web page where the issue occurred
  2. Open the developer tool (Shortcut CTRL SHIFT i on Windows, CMD ALT + i on Mac)
  3. Select the Network tab
  4. The file recording should begin immediately, indicated by a round red button on the left side of the panel
    • If the button is grayed out, click it to begin recording
  5. If desired, click the clear icon (circle with line through it) next to the recording button to delete any log records kept in the browser
  6. To save the content you want, right-click it in the left-hand pane and click Save all as HAR with content


  1. Open your browser to the web page where the issue occurred
  2. Open the developer tool (Shortcut CTRL SHIFT i on Windows, CMD ALT + i on Mac)
  3. Select the Network tab
  4. Press F5 to refresh the page
  5. To save the content you want, right-click it in the left-hand pane and click Save All as HAR


  1. Open your browser to the web page where the issue occurred
  2. Open the developer tool (Shortcut Option Command i)
  3. Select the Network tab
  4. To save the content you want, right-click it in the left-hand pane and click Export as HAR file

Viewing Files

You can use any HAR Viewer tool to help display the contents of HAR files. Chrome has an HTTP Archive Viewer plug-in, and there are many online Viewer tools.

  1. Open your Viewer Tool, whether it's a plug-in or a webpage
  2. Click Choose File to select and open the HAR file you saved
  3. Select the Inspect tab to display HTTP session data