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Installing Avast Agent on Deprecated Windows Systems

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business Hub
  • Avast Business On-Premise Console

Error on Legacy OS

If you attempt to install the latest Avast Business Agent on a legacy Windows operating system (XP 32-bit, Vista, Server 2003 SP2, Server 2008 SP2), you may receive the error below:

This application has failed to start because bcrypt.dll was not found. Re-installing the application may fix this problem.

You must install the final supported version (22.1) of the agent using the process below.

Installing 22.1 Agent

While not all features are available for older operating systems, the Avast agent can be installed on deprecated systems using this process.

  1. Within your Console, download a fresh installation file as normal
  2. Open PowerShell and run the following command to pull the installation parameters, replacing "avast_business_agent_*.exe" with the path for downloaded installation file: (Select-String -Path "avast_business_agent_*.exe" -Pattern "ExecuteParameters=" | out-string) -replace "\\"
    • You should receive parameters similar to this: -i -tok "a50b5d6baeef45fd8ac6fb979d304f91a4d8ab5a58cd6103e1e1c" -svr "" -lid "1" -bid "4" -debug "1" -avc "/managed"
  3. Download the Avast agent file
  4. Run setup with the gathered parameters
    • For example: avast_business_agent_setup_online.exe -i -tok "a50b5d6baeef45fd8ac61c2f4a3b979d304f91a4d8ab5a58cd6103e1e1c" -svr "" -lid "1" -bid "4" -debug "1" -avc "/managed"

At this point, setup will install the 22.1 agent on the device.