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Reports Overview

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business CloudCare

Network Security reports (Secure Web Gateway Summary, Threats and Web Filtering Summary, Web Activity by Category, and Web Activity by Domain) are no longer functional due to the discontinuation of the Secure Web Gateway service (see CloudCare Services EoL) and should soon be removed from the console.


The following report types are available in the CloudCare console:

  • Executive Summary: Displays a mix of summary graphs for the customer's entire network.
  • Security:
    • Active Trial Accounts: Shows accounts with active trials, including the end dates of those trials.
    • Billing and Subscription History: Displays detail around each service and the subscriptions.
    • Customer and License Summary: Summarizes CloudCare customer types and their subscription usage.
    • Devices with Threat Detection: Lists devices that have had at least one threat detection during a specified time frame.
    • List of Infected Devices: Provides information about infected devices.
    • Premium Remote Control Audit Log: Shows details regarding past Premium Remote Control sessions.
    • Subscription Summary: Provides an overview of used subscriptions.
  • Patch Management:
    • Missing Patches by Severity: Shows the volume of missing patches by severity and of missing critical patches by vendor, and the patches' data.
    • Patch Deployment Summary: Displays the devices and their data, and the volume of patches with their statuses (deployed/failed).
    • Patch Scan Summary: Shows the devices and their data, missing patches found, and date of the scan.
  • Operational
    • Alert Summary: Shows the volume of high-, medium-, and low-severity alerts for selected devices, and the alerts' data.
    • Client-Side Log Summary: Provides information about logs generated by the Antivirus and Content Filtering services
    • Customer Alters: Shows the volume of high-, medium-, and low-severity alerts for selected customers, and the alerts' data.
    • Device Overview: Displays the devices and their data, including Antivirus-related information.
    • E-Mail Device Deployment: Displays information about CloudCare deployments initiated via email.
    • Non-Communicating Devices: Lists devices that have not communicated with the CloudCare portal for a certain period of time.
    • Remote Device Deployment: Displays information about CloudCare deployments performed using the remote deployment option.
    • Server-Side Log Summary: Displays server-side logs along with event details and date and time the listed events took place.
    • Service Overview: Displays the paid and trial subscription count for each service, and details for each service (status, version, next subscription).
    • Service Summary: Provides information on the number of paid and trial licenses for each active service.
  • Content Filtering
    • Content Filtering Activity: Shows Content Filtering activity information for the listed devices.
    • URL Access Report: Provides a detailed breakdown of URL access attempts.
    • URL Category Groups: Shows the volume of access attempts per each Content Filtering category group.
  • Cloud Backup
    • Backup History: Provides details regarding the history of device backups performed using the Cloud Backup service.
    • Backup Summary: Provides an overview of the Cloud Backup service for each listed customer.
    • Backup Usage: Provides information about the usage of Cloud Backup service for each device.


Many of these reports are available to all CloudCare user types. However, some reports are only available for certain users - for example, the billing/licensing type reports are only accessible for partner admins.

In the following table, green stands for full access, yellow for read-only access, and red for no access, while the asterisk (*) denotes reports in which the Group Admin can only see data for devices/device groups to which they have access.


    Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
/ Executive Summary          
Security Active Trial Accounts          
Billing and Subscription History          
Customer and License Summary          
Devices with Threat Detection          
List of Infected Devices *          
Premium Remote Control Audit Log *          
Subscription Summary          
Patch Management Missing Patches by Severity *          
Patch Deployment Summary *          
Patch Scan Summary *          
Operational Alert Summary *          
Client-Side Log Summary *          
Customer Alters          
Device Overview *          
E-Mail Device Deployment          
Non-Communicating Devices *          
Remote Device Deployment          
Server-Side Log Summary          
Service Overview *          
Service Summary          
Content Filtering Content Filtering Activity *          
URL Access Report *          
URL Category Groups *          
Cloud Backup Backup History *          
Backup Summary          
Backup Usage          


Via the partner-level Reports page, partners can generate multiple reports across all or selected customers in order to see detailed information all in one report, rather than accessing individual customers.

However, some reports are available only at customer level. These are:

  • Executive Summary
  • Missing Patches by Severity
  • Patch Deployment Summary
  • Patch Scan Summary
  • Alert Summary
  • Service Summary

On the other hand, certain reports are not required at customer level:

  • Active Trial Accounts
  • Billing and Subscription History
  • Customer and License Summary
  • Subscription Summary
  • Customer Alerts
  • Backup Summary


Customer reports are similar to the partner reports, with the ability to select individual devices/groups in certain reports instead of selecting the accounts to run the report against.

Unlike partner reports, customer reports can be configured to automatically run on a recurring basis and then be delivered to specified users. For more information, see Scheduling and Emailing Reports.

Also, logos and headers can be customized for customer reports. For more information, see Report Settings.