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CloudCare Services EoL

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business CloudCare


The below listed Avast Business CloudCare services have been discontinued, as they were based on third-party technology that has been or is to be retired by their respective vendors:

Milestone Definition Date
Secure Web Gateway 2- and 3-year subscriptions discontinuation 2- and 3-year SWG prepaid subscriptions can no longer be purchased or renewed. October 2022
Email Security Services End-of-Life/End-of-Support "End-of-Life" refers to a product that Avast Business has identified as being at the end of its useful life, and product sales and support have been, or are being, discontinued for it. "End-of-Support" refers to the date on which Avast Business stopped, or will stop, providing technical support for Email Security Services (ESS). February 28, 2023
ShadowProtect End-of-Life/End-of-Support "End-of-Life" refers to a product that Avast Business has identified as being at the end of its useful life, and product sales and support have been, or are being, discontinued for it. "End-of-Support" refers to the date on which Avast Business stopped, or will stop, providing technical support for Shadow Protect (SP). February 28, 2023
Secure Web Gateway 1-year and monthly subscriptions discontinuation 1-year and monthly SWG prepaid subscriptions can no longer be purchased or renewed. Eligible partners can still use monthly postpaid subscriptions. Existing prepaid subscriptions will work until the End-of-Life date. April 1, 2023
Secure Web Gateway End-of-Life/End-of-Support "End-of-Life" refers to a product that Avast Business has identified as being at the end of its useful life, and product sales and support have been, or are being, discontinued for it. "End-of-Support" refers to the date on which Avast Business stopped, or will stop, providing technical support for Secure Web Gateway (SWG). December 31, 2023

Existing deployments of ESS, SP, and SWG will be supported until their respective EoL dates.

If you were using Secure Web Gateway, please reverse the network-wide protection settings.