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Adding Devices to CloudCare

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business CloudCare

IMPORTANT: The CloudCare portal does not support opening multiple tabs in the same browser session. Please use multiple browsers or incognito mode instead.


To add devices to your network, log in to the CloudCare portal. On the Dashboard page, click Add: Device. Choose from one of three options for deploying CloudCare to devices on your network. Partners can add devices on behalf of their customers; these devices will then show up in the company's CloudCare portal for management by the admin(s) of that company.

Adding Devices from the Portal

Installation Package

This option allows you to create an installation package that can be downloaded to removable media—which must be provided to the computer users or installed through Active Directory.

  1. In the Dashboard tab, click Add: Device and select Installation Package
    • Partners must select a customer in the Customer Drop-down Menu before performing this step
  2. Select installation package options:
    • Installer Type: choose between Windows .exe for manual installation, Windows .msi for deployment via GPO, or macOS .dmg.
      • For Windows .exe, you can select Allow Silent Install as an additional option
    • Installer Size Light: choose to create an installer package with only the CloudCare Agent for a smaller download. The other selected services will be downloaded upon installation of the agent
      • This option is not recommended if you are installing CloudCare on multiple devices at the same time, as each machine will individually contact Avast servers to download the other services
    • Installer Size Full: choose whether you would like the chosen services to be included in the installation package
  3. Select which policy the added devices will be using
  4. Check each service to install and select whether to activate using a 30-day trial or a paid subscription plan
  5. Click Download and specify where to save the installation package—such as on a CD, flash drive, or on the network

Email Invitation

When deploying clients using this option, users receive an email message that contains a link to download and install the client software.

  1. In the Dashboard tab, click Add: Device and select Email Invitation
    1. Partners must select a customer in the Customer Drop-down Menu before performing this step
  2. Check each service to install and select whether to activate using a 30-day trial or a paid subscription plan
  3. Select which policy the added devices will be using
  4. Click Send Email Invitation or Generate Link 
    • If sending an email invitation through CloudCare, enter the email addresses in the space provided then click Send Email. To specify multiple email recipients, type a comma after each email address. Optionally, you can edit the email content or use the default message provided
    • To send a link from your email client, click Generate Link

To view the status of sent invitations, generate an Email Device Deployment report by navigating to Reports ▸ Generate Reports ▸ Operational.

Remote Deployment

The remote deployment option is only available after you have added at least one device to the network using another install method, and can only be used on Windows devices. Below is a summary of the remote deployment process:

  1. Before attempting deployment, please ensure all Remote Deployment CloudCare System Requirements and Firewall Requirements are met
  2. Set up your Scanning Agent
  3. From the Dashboard tab, click Add: Device and select the Remote Deployment option
    • Partners must select a customer in the Customer Drop-down Menu before performing this step
  4. Choose which services you would like to install on the target device(s)
  5. Select the policy to have assigned to the newly installed device(s)
  6. Select devices for Remote Deployment. The Scanned Devices list contains all WANs and devices detected by the CloudCare agent
  7. Provide Domain Credentials and add the names and passwords of all possible network administrators to the list of accounts
  8. When using administrator credentials that are part of the domain, you must include the domain in the user name field of the remote deployment wizard—e.g., DOMAIN_NAME\username
  9. Click Deploy & Close to complete the device deployment process

To view the status of remote installs, generate a Remote Device Deployment report by navigating to Reports > Generate Reports > Operational.

During installation, you are asked to choose the services to be included with the installation, i.e., Essential/Premium/Ultimate Business Security, Firewall, Content Filtering, Premium Remote Control and Cloud Backup. The Antivirus and Content Filtering services are subscription based services, payable monthly, yearly, or every 24 or 36 months. Cloud Backup is currently only available to partners and partner-managed accounts for monthly billing periods. The Premium Remote Control service is included with your subscription at no additional cost.

The option to remove competitive Antivirus products is checked by default. We recommend that you leave this option checked if installing the Antivirus service.

Installing on the End Device

For the Installation Script and Email Link options, CloudCare Antivirus will still need to be installed on the end device(s).

  1. Copy the installer file to a location accessible by the end device
  2. Double-click on the installer file to run it
  3. If asked to allow the application to make changes to your device, click Yes
  4. Wait while Antivirus is installed on the device
  5. When prompted, restart the device
  6. The device should now be visible in your CloudCare Portal