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Command-Line Installation Parameters

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business CloudCare


You can use command-line parameters to customize your installation from an elevated Command Prompt (admin rights required).

Note that these parameters can be used for managed Windows devices only.

Main Parameters

  • -i: install
  • -u: uninstall
  • -f: reboot after the install
  • -e: reboot after the uninstall
  • -c: make clonable (write clone key to registry; see Device Cloning for more information)
  • -b: fix a bad clone (one that was started without setup -c already having been done; see Device Cloning for more information)
  • -p: modify proxy information (server address and/or credentials)

Parameters Requiring Values

  • -lid: locale id (English is value 1, e.g. -lid "1")
  • -svr: policy server URL
  • -sil "1": silent install of Business Agent
    • Currently, it is only possible to silently install the agent this way, not uninstall it.
  • -tok: install authorization token
  • -fav "1": force Antivirus reinstall
  • -debug "1": install in debug - use only when guided by support

Proxy Parameters

  • -pmi: proxy mode
  • -pti: proxy type
  • -pbi: proxy browser id
  • -psa: proxy server authorization enabled
  • -pai: proxy authorization id
  • -psn: proxy server name
  • -psu: proxy server username
  • -psp: proxy server password (reversible-encrypted-pw)
  • -ppt: proxy server port
  • -pst: proxy script
  • -rpp: raw proxy password

Example Commands

  • Running a silent installation of the Business Agent: avast_business_agent_setup_online.exe -i -sil "1"
  • Installing with specified authorization token, policy server URL, and language: -i -tok "71a55f420c9e4966bcb046933a750ca14ed84aff20c14adab493c6ea369a68be" -svr "" -lid "1"
  • Running the setup with proxy server: -p -pmi "2" -ppt "8080" -psn "test.proxy.test"
    • If an installation package is created with a proxy server entered in the selected policy, this is not necessary.