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Uninstalling Antivirus

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Small Business Solutions
  • Avast Small Office Protection
  • Avast Business Antivirus
  • Avast Business Antivirus Pro
  • Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus
  • Avast Business CloudCare Antivirus

Although the methods described here can be used to uninstall both managed and unmanaged Antivirus, for managed solutions we recommend performing the uninstall via the console. For more information on how to uninstall managed Antivirus remotely, see Removing Devices From Business Hub, Removing Devices From CloudCare, or Removing Devices From On-Premise Console.


To uninstall your Avast Business product from a Windows device:

  1. Navigate to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program
  2. Locate the installed Avast Business product, then right-click it and select Uninstall
  1. Once the uninstaller UI opens, select Uninstall
  1. When prompted, confirm the action, then wait while Avast uninstalls the product
  1. Once the process completes, choose whether to restart the device immediately (recommended) or later

Removing Avast Business When Uninstallation Fails

We do not recommend performing the below actions unless you are unable to uninstall Antivirus as described above.

If, for some reason, the conventional uninstallation method fails, you can remove Avast Business Antivirus as follows:

  1. If uninstalling managed Antivirus, navigate to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program and uninstall Avast Business Agent (if you run the clear tool while the agent is still installed, the antivirus will be reinstalled)
  2. Download Avast Clear Tool
  3. Run the tool as administrator (Safe Mode not required)
  4. Once done, reboot the device
  5. Ensure the following folders are removed:
    • C:\Program Files\AVAST Software
    • C:\Program Files (x86)\AVAST Software
    • C:\ProgramData\AVAST Software (this folder is hidden by default)
  6. Delete the following keys from your Registry Editor (please make registry changes carefully, and back up everything first):
  7. Perform a Windows disk cleanup


To uninstall your Avast Business product from a macOS device:

  1. With the Antivirus client open, click Avast Business Antivirus (or Avast Small Office Protection) on the left side of the menu bar, and select Uninstall Avast Business Antivirus (or Uninstall Avast Small Office Protection)
  1. Once the uninstaller opens, read the introduction, then click Continue
  1. If prompted, provide your admin credentials and hit Enter, then wait until the process completes
  1. Once Avast Business Antivirus is successfully removed, click Finish to exit the uninstaller right away or Continue to fill out a survey before exiting

Removing Avast Business When Uninstallation Fails

We do not recommend performing the below actions unless you are unable to uninstall Antivirus as described above.

If, for some reason, the conventional uninstallation method fails, you can remove Avast Business Antivirus as follows:

  1. If uninstalling managed antivirus, execute the following command in Terminal to uninstall Avast Business Agent (versions 7.1 and higher only), which will remove all services (including antivirus):
    • sudo /Applications/ -u
  2. Execute the following command in Terminal (it can fail if antivirus is already successfully removed using the command from step 1):
    • /Applications/
  3. Ensure the following folders are removed:
    • /Library/Logs/Avast*
    • /Library/Application Support/Avast*
    • /Applications/Avast*