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Small Office Protection vs. Small Business Solutions

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Small Business Solutions
  • Avast Small Office Protection


Avast's Small Office Protection differs from Small Business Solutions in that it:

  • has a subscription limit of 10, as it is meant for small businesses with limited devices
  • cannot be installed on server operating systems
  • can be installed on Android/iOS devices
  • is only available as an unmanaged solution (whereas Essential/Premium/Ultimate Business Security can be managed via Avast Business Management Consoles as well)
  • has a slightly different set of components

Small Office Protection-only components are:

  • Sensitive Data Shield: Protects documents with personal information against unauthorized access and malware
  • Do Not Disturb Mode: Silences notifications when any application is fullscreen
  • Software Updater: Helps keep commonly used third-party software up to date to eliminate potential security risks

Small Business Solutions-only components are:

  • Exchange: Protects Microsoft Exchange Server against threats without interfering with its performance
  • SharePoint: Protects Microsoft SharePoint Server against threats without interfering with its performance
  • SecureLine VPN:  Standalone VPN service

For more information on Small Business Solutions and Small Office Protection features, see Services Overview.