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Avast Small Business Solutions Overview

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Small Business Solutions


Small Business Solutions provide greater value to our customers with more available services at each level. Choose between AvastEssential, Premium, and Ultimate Business Security to protect your business.

You can try out Ultimate Business Security completely free of charge by activating a 30-day trial straight from your console. For more information, see Activating Trials.

Key Features

  Essential Business Security Premium Business Security Ultimate Business Security
Online Management Platform
Endpoint Protection
Ransomware & Data Breach Protection
IT Support
Browser Shield *
VPN *  
USB Protection ~  
Patch Management * ~ (available as add-on) (available as add-on)
Cloud Backup * ~ (available as add-on) (available as add-on) (available as add-on)
Premium Remote Control ~ (available as add-on) (available as add-on) (available as add-on)

The asterisk (*) denotes components unavailable for macOS devices.

The tilde (~) denotes components available only via the online management platform.

Online Management Platform

The cloud-based Avast Business Hub console provides real-time visibility of cyberthreats, comprehensive reporting, and lets you centrally manage your Avast Business security services and their subscriptions.

  • Main benefits: device and policy management, centralized alerts and notifications, real-time commands, Network Discovery and remote deployment, remote access and support tools, intuitive dashboard

Endpoint Protection

Avast Businessnext-gen antivirus with multi-layered protection helps secure your Windows/macOS workstations and Windows servers against malware infections and zero-day threats.

  • Components: File Shield, Web Shield, Mail Shield, Behavior Shield, CyberCapture, Firewall, SmartScan, Sandbox, Web Control, Network Inspector, Real Site, Webcam Shield, Rescue Disk, Security Browser Extension, Remote Access Shield, Exchange Server Protection, SharePoint Server Protection

Ransomware & Data Breach Protection

These protection tools help protect your business and customer data from ransomware encryption, theft, or leakage.

  • Components: Advanced Firewall, Ransomware Shield, Remote Access Shield, Network Inspector, Data Shredder, SharePoint Server Protection, Exchange Server Protection

Browser Shield (ex Password Protection)

Browser Shield is designed to prevent applications and malware from tampering with passwords that are saved in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge, and Avast Secure Browser.

  • Components: Browser Shield


The stand-alone SecureLine VPN service encrypts your data traffic over the internet to help protect employees’ data, making them private when using public Wi-Fi networks, such as those in cafes or airports.

USB Protection

This Business Hub component helps prevent employees from using unauthorized removable storage devices, including flash drives, external drives, and memory cards to avoid data theft, data loss, and malware infections. 

Patch Management

Patch Management facilitates the system and application patching process, aimed at automatically fixing vulnerabilities in Windows and third-party applications that are susceptible to cyberattacks. Via the Business Hub console, you can use this service to help you distribute thoroughly tested patches to a large number of devices in minutes, with minimal impact on your network.

Cloud Backup

The Business Hub's Cloud Backup service keeps your business data available and supports business continuity by protecting data on endpoint devices and servers with an automated backup process that is easy to deploy and manage from anywhere.

Premium Remote Control

Remote Control helps IT admins quickly and securely connect to a user’s device straight from the Hub to remotely access files, manage applications, and troubleshoot issues. This simple remote access tool helps increase efficiency by reducing on-site visits and the need to hire additional IT staff.

Protection Components by Product Tier

Antivirus & Firewall Components
Component Essential Business Security Premium Business Security Ultimate Business Security
File Shield
Web Shield
Mail Shield
Behavior Shield
Network Inspector
Real Site
Rescue Disk
Remote Access Shield
Ransomware Shield
Data Shredder
Exchange Server Protection
SharePoint Server Protection
Webcam Shield
Browser Shield
Security Browser Extension

The Essential, Premium, and Ultimate Business Security protection tiers all utilize the same endpoint protection engine, encompassing all Antivirus and Firewall components, as shown in the table above. With each Antivirus engine update, a new, unified build is generated for all product tiers.


Additional Components
Component Essential Business Security Premium Business Security Ultimate Business Security
USB Protection  
Patch Management (available as add-on) (available as add-on)
Cloud Backup (available as add-on) (available as add-on) (available as add-on)
Premium Remote Control (available as add-on) (available as add-on) (available as add-on)

Legacy Products Upgrade Paths

The Small Business Solutions products replaced the purchase methods for Antivirus, Pro, and Pro Plus. Each level of Antivirus received a free upgrade to a Small Business Solutions tier (with the original subscription expiration date unchanged):

  • Avast Business Antivirus was upgraded to Avast Essential Business Security (with Antivirus Pro components)
    • Recommended for macOS users, since the additional services at the higher tiers are available for Windows devices only.
  • Avast Business Antivirus Pro was upgraded to Avast Premium Business Security (with Antivirus Pro Plus components, including VPN)
  • Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus was upgraded to Avast Ultimate Business Security (with Antivirus Pro Plus components, including VPN and Patch Management)
    • Devices using Patch Management are automatically switched to their respective available Patch Management seats included with Ultimate Business Security once the old Patch Management add-on subscription expires.

Activation codes for legacy products were also upgraded (new tiers of protection activated automatically).