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Partner vs. Customer User Permissions

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business CloudCare


User permissions in the CloudCare console are determined by the role of the logged in user. CloudCare has several user types available:

  • Partner user types:
    • Primary Administrator: Main administrator for the partner with full control over the account, including the ability to create other partner admins. Note that it is not possible to add more than one Primary Administrator.
    • Partner Administrator: Secondary administrators for the partner with full control over the account, excluding the ability to create other partner admins.
    • Partner User: Users who have more limited access to partner settings, billing etc, but have full control inside of customer accounts.
  • Customer user types:
    • Master Administrator: Main administrator for the customer who has full control over the account, aside from billing/service offering that is handled by partners. This is the main account used by customers who may have their own IT department, and is mandatory for self-managed accounts. Note that it is not possible to add more than one Master Administrator.
    • Group Administrator: Limited user within customer accounts with limited control and actions available. More of a viewer-type account, with ability to deploy devices and manage specific groups defined by the admins.

In the following tables, green stands for full access, yellow for read-only access, and red for no access.


  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
Refresh Dashboard          
Shopping Cart          
Avast Forum          
Remotely connect to devices using Premium Remote Control          

Partner Dashboard

  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
Add Customer          
Add Master Alert          
Add Master Policy          
Add User          
All Open Alerts (Monitor Alerts)          
All Open Alerts (Configure Alerts)          
License Summary          
View Customer Listing          
Purchase Customer Services          
View Partner Support Page          
Sales Opportunities          
Customized Support          
Convert Licenses          

Customer Dashboard

  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
Add Device          
Add Network Location          
Add Alert          
Add Policy          
Add User          
All Open Alerts (Monitor Alerts)          
All Open Alerts (Configure Alerts)          
Manage Services          
Content Filtering - Last 7 Days          
Cloud Backup - Uploaded Data          
Cloud Backup - Status          
Cloud Backup - Backup Usages - Top 5 Devices          
Subscription Summary          

Partner/Customer Alerts

  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
View Alerts Listing          
Default Alerts Available          
Deactivate/Activate Alerts          
Delete Alert          
Edit Alert          
Create Alert          
View Triggered Alert History Listing          
Acknowledge Alerts          
Print/Email/Export Alerts History          
View Alert Name Details          
Partner Master Alert          
View Partner Alerts History Listing          
Navigate to Customer from Partner Alerts History Listing          

Customer Devices

  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
View Device Listing          
View Device Details          
Add Device          
Add Group          
Move Device Across Groups          
Enable/Disable Service License Management          
Delete Device Group          
Uninstall Services/Remove Device          
Scan Company/Scan Group/Scan          
Update Company/Update Group/Update          

Partner Policies

  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
Add Master Policy          
Assign Devices to Policy          
Assign Customer to Policy          
Delete Master Policy (non-default)          
Edit Master Policy          
Save and Copy Master Policies          
Revert Master Default Policy Settings          
Partner Default Policy          
Partner Master Policy          

Customer Policies

  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
Add Policy          
Assign Devices to Policy          
Move Devices Across Policies          
Delete Customer Policies          
Delete Master Policies (non-default)          
Edit Customer Policies          
Save Copy of Customer Policy          

Partner/Customer Reports (General)

  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
Organization (Customer - Device/Group) Filter          
Time Frame Filter          
Report-Specific Filter          
Report Selection          
Report Template Settings          
Generate Report          
Scheduled Report Generation          
Print and Export Report          


  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
Executive Summary          
Active Trial Accounts          
Billing and Subscription History          
Customer and License Summary          
Devices with Threat Detection          
List of Infected Devices *          
Premium Remote Control Audit Log *          
Subscription Summary          
Missing Patches by Severity *          
Patch Deployment Summary *          
Patch Scan Summary *          
Alert Summary *          
Client-Side Log Summary *          
Customer Alters          
Device Overview *          
E-Mail Device Deployment          
Non-Communicating Devices *          
Remote Device Deployment          
Server-Side Log Summary          
Service Overview *          
Service Summary          
Content Filtering Activity *          
URL Access Report *          
URL Category Groups *          
Backup History *          
Backup Summary          
Backup Usage          

The asterisk (*) denotes reports in which the Group Admin can only see data for devices/device groups to which they have access.

Network Security reports (Secure Web Gateway Summary, Threats and Web Filtering Summary, Web Activity by Category, and Web Activity by Domain) are no longer functional due to the discontinuation of the Secure Web Gateway service (see CloudCare Services EoL) and should soon be removed from the console.

Partner/Customer Account (General)

  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
View Partner User Account Management Interface          
Change Own Password          
Enable/Disable Own Two-Factor Authentication          
Enable Two-Factor Authentication of Another User          
Disable Two-Factor Authentication of a Customer User          

Partner Account

  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
View Partner Admin          
Add/Edit/Delete Partner Admin          
Reset Password of Partner Admin          
Disable Two-Factor Authentication of Partner Admin          
View Partner User          
Add/Edit/Delete Partner User          
Reset Password of Partner User          
Disable Two-Factor Authentication of Partner User          

Customer Account

  Primary Admin Partner Admin Partner User Master Admin Group Admin
View Customer User Account Listing          
Create Customer User Account          
Edit Customer User Account          
Delete Customer User Account          
Deactivate Customer User Account          
Reset Customer User Account Password          
View Customer Support          
View/Edit Company Profile          
Deactivate/Activate/Delete Company Profile          
Self-Managed to Partner-Managed