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Managing Users

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business CloudCare

IMPORTANT: The CloudCare portal does not support opening multiple tabs in the same browser session. Please use multiple browsers or incognito mode instead.


The Customer List section of the CloudCare Console enables you to view, add, edit, and remove your console users and customers.

You can also add customers and/or users from the Dashboard quick-access bar. If you are a direct or self-managed user, you can add additional users from the Dashboard or on the Account tab by clicking All Users in the left-hand navigation pane.

There are three partner user types and two customer user types:

  • Partner User Types: Primary Administrator, Partner Administrator, Partner User
  • Customer User Types: Master Administrator, Group Administrator

Note that it is not possible to add more than one Primary Administrator or Master Administrator to the console.

For more details on the differing permissions, see Partner vs. Customer User Permissions.

Adding a Customer (Partners Only)

  1. On the Dashboard, click Add: Customer
    • Alternatively, click Customer List in the left-hand navigation pane, then click Add Customer
  2. Fill in all required information and fields in the following sections:
    • Customer Profile
    • Customer Type (partner- vs self-managed)
    • Master Administrator (if there will be one)
    • Mailing Address
    • Billing Address
  3. Click Save and Select Services
  4. Select the subscriptions and services you would like the customer to have access to using the drop-down menus (see Activating Subscriptions for more info)
  5. Click Finish

Adding a User

  1. On the Dashboard, click Add: User
    • Alternatively, navigate to the Account tab, click All Users in the left-hand navigation pane, then click + Add User
  2. Fill in all required information for the user:
    • First and Last Name
    • Email Address
    • Time Zone/Language
    • Phone Number
    • Device Groups Access
      • These options provide the user with specific Device Groups and their related policies
  3. Click Save

Deleting a Customer (Partners Only)

  1. Select the customer from the Customer drop-down menu or the Customer List
  2. Navigate to the Account tab
  3. At the bottom of the Company Profile page, click Delete Customer
  4. Click Delete Customer again to confirm

This action will uninstall CloudCare from all devices and delete all users associated with the customer.

Deactivating or Deleting a User

  1. Navigate to the Account tab
  2. Click the user's name in the left-hand navigation pane
  3. Click either Deactivate at the top of the page, or Delete at the bottom
  4. Click either Deactivate or Delete in the pop-up window to confirm

Alternatively, you can click All Users instead of the user's name. Then locate the user's name in the table and click either Deactivate or Delete next to their name.

Once you have deactivated a user, you can reactivate them by following the same steps and clicking Reactivate. You cannot reactivate a user you have deleted.

Editing User or Customer Details

Once your customers and users have been created, you can edit their basic contact details.

For Customers: Select the customer from the Customer drop-down menu or the Customer List, then navigate to the Account tab. On the Company Profile page, make your edits, then click Save.

For Users: On the Account tab, click the user's name in the left-hand navigation pane. Make your edits, then click Save.