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Deleting Companies and Sites

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business Hub

Deleting Companies

IMPORTANT: Deleting a company (i.e. partner in the Partner version of the console) is an irreversible action. The company will no longer exist and all its sites (if multi-tenant/partner) and devices will be removed from the console. Subscription seats previously used on those devices will be freed up and can be reused.

Deleting a company does not affect the Avast account linked to it (i.e. the account remains active).


To remove your company from Avast Business Hub:

  1. Navigate to the Company profile page of the console (If using a multi-tenant console, first select the company from the drop-down menu in the left-hand pane)
  1. Click Delete company in the bottom left corner
  2. In the pop-up dialog, tick the checkbox next to I want to delete this company and I understand this cannot be undone
  3. Click Delete company

Once the company is successfully deleted, you and any other console administrators will be notified via email.

Deleting Sites

IMPORTANT: Deleting a site (i.e. customer in the Partner version of the console) is an irreversible action. The site will no longer exist and all its devices will be removed from the console. Subscription seats previously used on those devices will be freed up and can be reused.


To remove a site from Avast Business Hub:

  1. Select the site from the drop-down menu in the left-hand pane of the console
  2. Navigate to the Site profile page
  1. Click Delete site in the bottom left corner
  2. Read the information in the pop-up dialog, then tick the checkbox next to I want to delete this site and I understand this cannot be undone
  3. Click Delete site

Once the site is successfully deleted, you and any other console administrators will be notified via email.