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Adding Customers (Partner Business Hub)

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business Hub


The partner version of the Business Hub enables you to manage multiple companies (referred to as customers in the partner console) from the same top-level account (Partner account). Using a partner Hub thus provides a global overview of the companies within, with global configuration/management in several areas to provide a single location to manage companies, rather than having to drill down into each of them.

For instance, you can create a global policy and assign it to multiple customers to allow fully centralized control of settings, while still having the option to locally customize the policy at customers level. You can also easily monitor and manage all your customers' alerts from the partner console's top-level dashboard.


To add a customer to your partner console, go to the top-level (partner) Dashboard and click +Customer in the top right corner.

In the Create Customer drawer that opens, choose how to create the customer (Create new or Create from OMS) and how to manage them (using global or local policies).

When creating new customers, the email address you enter will first be checked for duplicates in OMS records. If no OMS record with that email address is found, you will be able to proceed. You will need to provide the following information:

  • Primary contact person
  • Company
  • Industry
  • Website
  • Street
  • Postal code
  • City
  • Country

If the customer is an educational, governmental, or non-profit organization, you can also apply for a discount by ticking the checkbox at the bottom of this section and selecting the segment discount.

Note that it can take up to five business days for the discount claim to be reviewed. You will be notified via email once the review is done.

When creating customers based on existing OMS customer records, you will only need to click the Select from OMS button and select the customer from available options.

IMPORTANT: If the desired OMS customer is not listed, please make sure that the Customer Type for that customer is set to Business in OMS and that all company details are provided (including company name, industry, and website).

As for the customer management options, if there are already existing global policies, you can select one to apply to the customer via the drop-down menu.

Using local policies instead, you can choose one of the two default Avast templates (for workstations or for servers) or select an existing local template from another customer.

Once the customer is created, it will be opened directly at the Subscriptions page.

The customer will also become an entry on the left-hand site selection pane and on the top-level Dashboard.

Instead of, or as well as using multi-tenant/partner accounts, console administrators can add and manage multiple single-tenant and multi-tenant console accounts (companies) from the same Business Hub login. To learn how to add locally managed companies to your Hub, see Adding and Managing Companies.