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Exchange and Sharepoint Server Protection

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business On-Premise Console

Exchange Server Protection

The Exchange component for Windows servers is specifically meant to protect your Exchange server from threats without interfering in its function.

Scanning Tab

Configure the basic settings for your protection, which is only able to scan messages on the IS level.

Settings: choose whether to scan messages on-access and/or in the background, enable proactive scanning, scan at the transport level, scan RTF message bodies, and/or try to clean infected objects.

Actions Tab

Configure what action your Antivirus takes when an infected or untestable item is located. Choose between Allow full access to the item, Overwrite the item with a warning, or Delete the whole message. You can also change the infected object's icon if possible.

Blocking Tab

Configure the list of attachments and files that are always blocked by entering the filename mask to the list. You can also choose what the file name is replaced by, and the contents of the .txt file that will replace the blocked file.

SharePoint Server Protection

The SharePoint component for Windows servers is specifically meant to protect your SharePoint server from threats without interfering in its function.

SharePoint server protection does not have any configurable options in the On-Premise Console.