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Logging Blocked Packets to Create Exclusions

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Small Business Solutions
  • Avast Small Office Protection
  • Avast Business Antivirus
  • Avast Business Antivirus Pro
  • Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus
  • Avast Business CloudCare Antivirus


If you are having difficulties with your Avast Business Firewall, you can enable logging of blocked packets to get a better sense of what the Firewall is blocking down to the packet level, which can help create packet rules/exceptions.

If you are using Avast Business Hub or the On-Premise Console to manage your devices, note that you can enable this functionality only from the end device, as shown below. If you are using CloudCare, you can also enable it via the console, from the general Firewall settings of a policy (see General Firewall Settings).

Enabling Blocked Packets Logs

To enable the logging of blocked packets from the client UI:

  1. Go to Menu, then select Settings
  2. Click Search in the top right corner
  1. Type geek:area and hit ENTER
  1. Scroll to the Firewall section
  2. Tick the Log all blocked packets checkbox, then click Go Back

Once this feature has been enabled, induce the issue on the device to generate firewall logs.

Viewing Firewall Logs

To access the generated firewall logs from the client UI:

  1. Open the Antivirus client
  2. Select Protection
  3. Click Firewall
  1. In the Firewall screen, select the Logs tab

By default, the list shows apps blocked in the past month. You can use the drop-down arrow next to the filter to change the filtering options.

Other than by blocked apps, you can filter your firewall logs by blocked devices or applied rules. Also, you can alter the time range to show the results from the past minute, hour, day, month, or year.