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Core Shields Settings

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Small Business Solutions
  • Avast Small Office Protection
  • Avast Business Antivirus
  • Avast Business Antivirus Pro
  • Avast Business Antivirus Pro Plus
  • Avast Business CloudCare Antivirus


The core shields of your Small Business Solutions or Small Office Protection are: File Shield, Web Shield, Mail Shield, and Behavior Shield. You can access and modify their settings by selecting Settings from the menu in the top right corner of the UI, then navigating to ProtectionCore Shields.

General Settings

These settings will propagate across all core shields of Avast Business Security.


In this section of the settings, you can set the sensitivity of the core shields to low, medium, or high by dragging the slider.

The higher the sensitivity, the higher the protection, but also the potential for false positive malware detections. Reducing the sensitivity reduces the chance of false positive detections, but may also reduce the effectiveness of the shields.

Response Options

Under the Malware and Potentially unwanted programs & tools tabs of the Core Shields section, you can define the actions Avast will perform when malware or a PUP is detected on the device.

Malware Tab

  • Fix automaticallyAvast will automatically try to repair the infected file. If repair is not possible, the file will be either moved to Quarantine or deleted (for more information on Quarantine, see Resolving Threats).
  • AskAvast will ask you what action to perform when an infected file is detected.

Potentially Unwanted Programs & Tools Tab

  • Notify me about potentially unwanted programsAvast will let you know if any PUPs have been installed on your device.
  • Scan for toolsAvast will check for tools that could be used for accessing, controlling, or harming your device.

When enabling these options, decide how Avast will respond to the detections:

  • Resolve automaticallyAvast will automatically try to repair the file. If repair is not possible, the file will be either moved to Quarantine or deleted (for more information on Quarantine, see Resolving Threats).
  • Ask me what to doAvast will ask you what action to perform when a PUP is detected.

Additional Features

In addition to defining the core shields' sensitivity and actions to be taken upon malware/PUP detections, you can strengthen your device's security by enabling several other available features.

  • Enable CyberCapture — Sends files not recognized by Avast Business Antivirus to Avast Threat Labs for further analysis. You can decide whether this action will be performed automatically or upon your approval.
  • Enable Hardened Mode — Enhances the device's security further, using the information based on reputation services to determine which executable files are safe to open. This feature is recommended for less experienced users.
  • Enable Anti-Rootkit Shield — Enables Avast to monitor hidden malicious threats in the system.
    • Enable Anti-Exploit Shield (available when Anti-Rootkit Shield is enabled) — Enables Avast to detect and blocks malicious threats or processes in the memory from exploiting vulnerable applications on your device.

Specific Settings

To configure settings for specific core shields, see the following articles: