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Avast Business Antivirus Release Notes 2024

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business Antivirus


Avast Business Antivirus releases run approximately two weeks behind the consumer release of new Antivirus versions, in order to allow further testing. CloudCare does not follow the same cycle. For this console specifically, Antivirus is released quarterly. The releases are made to Avast and AVG brands at the same time, including managed and unmanaged versions. In some cases, a version can be skipped (e.g. due to a defect in a particular version).

Microupdates do not have any specific schedule and are released as and when required to release a fix to a previous version immediately, rather than waiting for a full release (see Microupdates FAQ for more information).

The macOS Antivirus does not have such frequent releases as the Windows Antivirus (every Q is a loose timeframe). CloudCare does follow the same release cycle as the Hub for the macOS Business Agent, they cannot be released separately.

This article provides information on the Business Antivirus 2024 releases and is updated throughout the year.

July 2024

Windows Antivirus Version 24.6 (July 18)

Version 24.5 of Avast Business Antivirus was skipped.

Release Summary

The new version of Avast Business Antivirus will be available for new installations immediately. All existing devices will start the automatic upgrade to this version later.

If you wish to upgrade your devices to this version prior to the automatic upgrade, you can create a new Task (Update device > Program update task) from your console.

A system reboot will be required to complete the installation. There will be no forced reboot, unless you have set this in your device policy settings.

Important Changes

  • The component previously named "Password Protection" has been renamed to "Browser Shield". If you are a managed user, please note that in the Avast Business Hub, the component will be renamed in the next release (version 8.92).
  • The redesigned “Browser Shield” component now also includes a new feature called “Protect cookies”. Browser cookie protection protects you against cookie theft. This new functionality helps protect your sensitive data that is stored in your browser cookies.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue where email messages scanned by Mail Shield did not include a note saying that they were scanned (despite this note being set to be inserted automatically).
  • Other minor fixes.

May 2024

Windows Antivirus Version 24.4 (May 15)

Version 24.3 of Avast Business Antivirus was skipped.

Release Summary

The new version of Avast Business Antivirus will be available for new installations immediately. All existing devices will start the automatic upgrade to this version later.

If you wish to upgrade your devices to this version prior to the automatic upgrade, you can create a new Task (Update device > Program update task) from your console.

A system reboot will be required to complete the installation. There will be no forced reboot, unless you have set this in your device policy settings.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed issue where the block page was not displayed in some cases with the Site Blocking feature in managed devices.
  • After a Firewall application rule is deleted for an existing application, the new settings are now correctly displayed in both the Business Hub and the client device.
  • Device filter (USB Protection) now correctly loads in the Safe Mode. Previously it could cause boot failure under certain conditions. This issue was reported by - thank you!
  • Other minor fixes.

March 2024

Windows Antivirus Version 24.2 (March 25)

Version 24.1 of Avast Business Antivirus was skipped.

Release Summary

The new version of Avast Business Antivirus will be available for new installations immediately. All existing devices will start the automatic upgrade to this version later.

If you wish to upgrade your devices to this version prior to the automatic upgrade, you can create a new Task (Update device > Program update task) from your console.

A system reboot will be required to complete the installation. There will be no forced reboot, unless you have set this in your device policy settings.

New Features & Enhancements

  • Network Inspector: Some minor updates to help improve your network protection.
  • Web Shield: New performance optimizations so you can experience faster browsing.

Resolved Issues

  • Fixed conflict between third-party app "FileMaker" and Web Shield, resolving syncing issues.
  • Restored mailflow functionality on Windows 11 via IMAP and SMTP with enabled email testing/proofing, ensuring successful communication with ports 143 and 25 at all times.
  • We continuously fix bugs to keep your protection going strong.

January 2024

Windows Antivirus Version 23.12 (January 10)

Release Summary

The new version of Avast Business Antivirus will be available for new installations immediately. All existing devices will start the automatic upgrade to this version later.

If you wish to upgrade your devices to this version prior to the automatic upgrade, you can create a new Task (Update device > Program update task) from your console.

A system reboot will be required to complete the installation. There will be no forced reboot, unless you have set this in your device policy settings.

New Features & Enhancements

  • Sandbox - internal changes and improvements
  • SecureDNS / Real Site - Added support of DOH (DNS over HTTPS)
  • Implemented Port Scan and ARP Spoofing detection in the Firewall for unmanaged Avast Business Antivirus. When enabled, the Firewall now actively checks for hackers or malware attempting to scan the PC for open ports (Port Scan) and for ARP spoofing attacks. In case of detection, the Avast Business Antivirus notifies the user, offering options to take immediate action:
    • Disconnect and block this network: Immediately disconnects from the current network and blocks any future connections to it. The Blocked message is displayed next to this network on the Network screen in Firewall settings
    • Stay connected but block the suspicious device: Remains connected to the network while blocking the external device conducting ARP spoofing. This allows continued internet usage but is not recommended due to potential additional threats on the network. Blocked devices can be managed in the Firewall settings.
    • Ignore this potential threat - I trust this network: Takes no immediate action. It is not recommended unless the user is certain about the network's security.

Resolved Issues

  • Numerous crashes fixed to improve stabilization / performance.
  • Fixed an issue where Anti-Rootkit Shield was causing BSOD.
  • Fixed an issue where the offline installer for Small Office Protection required internet connection.


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