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Master Agents Hotfix for On-Premise Console

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business On-Premise Console


As of July 19, 2021, a hotfix for the On-Premise Console is available. This fix is related to the functioning of Master Agents. On-Premise Console users with a Master Agent will be required to perform the below steps to ensure their agents are working as intended.

If you are upgrading from an On-Premise Console version lower than 7.29.230, you will likely have to perform this hotfix. However, if you have the version 7.29.230 or higher installed, you should not have to do anything and this article does not apply to you.

  1. Uninstall your Master Agent device(s)
  2. Reboot the former Master Agent device(s)
  3. Download the installer for the Windows On-Premise Console here
  4. Save the installer to the device your On-Premise Console is on
  5. Run the installer, choosing the option to update your console
  6. Once installation is complete, double-click the icon on your desktop to open the On-Premise Console
  7. Reinstall your Master Agent device(s)

Once the device has been reinstalled into your network, you can set it as a Master Agent.

  1. Click the Master Agents tab
  2. Click Add new Master Agent
  3. If necessary, select an operating system in the Filter devices list and/or type a device name in the Search box
  4. Click the device you would like to designate as a Master Agent
  5. Click Select

It may take some time for the Master Agent services to activate on the device.

Offline update mirrors may require some additional configuration. For details, please see Configuring Offline On-Premise Console.