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Policies Overview

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business CloudCare

IMPORTANT: The CloudCare portal does not support opening multiple tabs in the same browser session. Please use multiple browsers or incognito mode instead.


A policy is a group of system settings that can apply to multiple devices. All newly installed devices will have the default CloudCare policy settings. While you can edit the settings for each of the functional components of the default policy, you cannot delete it. For computers that require different settings, you can add a new policy and customize the settings for each of the components as needed.

If you assign a customer to a master policy, you will still have to navigate into each account and assign the devices to the policy. You can do this easily by Moving Devices Between Policies.

Adding, Editing, or Deleting a Custom Policy

Partners can add Master Policies that can be used by all customers, or a specifically selected group of customers.

  • Add: From the Policies tab, click the plus sign to Add New Policy. Choose whether to copy the settings from the CloudCare defaults or from another custom policy. Then enter a policy name and description, and click Add.
    • Once you have added the policy, select it in the left-hand navigation pane to add devices to it and configure the settings.
  • Edit: From the Policies tab, select the policy you would like to edit from the left-hand navigation pane. For partners, select the customer(s) you would like the edited policy to apply to. Make your chances and click Save & Apply to Devices.
    • If you are editing a Master Policy, this will say Save & Apply to Customers.
  • Delete: From the Policies tab, select the policy you would like to delete from the left-hand navigation pane. Scroll down to the bottom and click Delete Policy. Then click Delete Policy again to confirm.
    • All devices under a deleted policy will be reassigned to the Default Policy.

Copying a Custom Policy

From the Policies tab, select the policy you would like to copy from the left-hand navigation pane. Click Copy beside the policy name, then enter a name and description for the new policy and click Copy Policy.

Moving Devices Between Policies

For partners, select the customer you need to edit in the Customer Drop-down Menu. From the Policies tab, click Assign Devices. In the pop-up window, drag and drop to move devices on the right-hand section to policies on the left-hand section. Your changes will be automatically saved.