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Managing Policies

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business CloudCare

IMPORTANT: The CloudCare portal does not support opening multiple tabs in the same browser session. Please use multiple browsers or incognito mode instead.


The main way to manage devices via the CloudCare portal is through policies, which are groups of security rules that determine how Business Agent and available services work on end devices in your network. In other words, policies provide all of the settings for the features/services installed on the endpoints. Any changes to a policy are applied to the devices and groups using that policy.










Avast Business CloudCare includes a default template that has already been set up with the suggested configuration. You can apply this template, or create your own by duplicating the default to customize it or by creating a new template altogether. The default template cannot be deleted until another policy has been created.

Creating Policies

  1. Navigate to the Policies page of the CloudCare Portal
  2. Click the plus sign in the left-hand navigation pane
  3. Select the policy you would like to use as a template - either Avast's default settings, or an existing policy
  4. Enter a name for the policy
  5. If desired, enter a description of the policy
  6. Click Add

Deleting Policies

  1. Navigate to the Policies page of the CloudCare Portal
  2. Click the name of the policy you would like to delete in the left-hand navigation pane
  3. Scroll to the bottom of the policy settings and click Delete Policy
  4. Click Delete Policy

If you have devices tied to a policy you are deleting, they will be assigned to the Default Master Policy instead.

Duplicating Policies

You may wish to duplicate the settings of one policy to only change a few details for a different group of devices.

  1. Navigate to the Policies page of the CloudCare Portal
  2. Click the plus sign in the left-hand navigation pane
  3. Select the existing policy you would like to use as a template
  4. Enter a name for the duplicated policy
  5. If desired, enter a description of the policy
  6. Click Add

Editing Policies

  1. Navigate to the Policies page of the CloudCare Portal
  2. Click the name of the policy you would like to edit in the left-hand navigation pane
  3. Make your desired alterations
  4. Click Save & Apply to Devices
    • If you are editing a Master Policy, this option will say Save & Apply to Customers instead

Changing a Device's Assigned Policy

You can alter a device's assigned policy from the Policies tab or the Devices page. For information on how to do this from the Devices tab, see XJLINK.

  1. For Partners, select a customer from the Customer Drop-Down Menu
  2. Navigate to the Policies page of the CloudCare Portal
  3. Select the policy you would like to apply to device(s) in the left-hand navigation pane
  4. Expand the Devices in this Policy section, then click Assign Devices
  5. Click the policy the device is currently using
  6. Drag the device(s) you would like to reassign to the desired policy
  7. Click Close