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Configuring Restarts

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business CloudCare

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Tasks will only run on the assigned devices when those devices are online and communicating with the console. If a one-time task is skipped on a device due to the device being unreachable, it will run when the device becomes reachable again. In case of multiple missed instances of a recurring task, the task will run only once and then continue on the schedule. In case of one-time/recurring restart or shutdown tasks, however, the missed ones will not be run again.


Via the Policies page of your console, you can control whether devices will automatically restart when a service requires such action (e.g. patches and Antivirus updates often require a system reboot after being installed).

To access these settings:

  1. Go to the Policies page (at partner level for master policies or customer level for customer policies)
  2. Select the desired policy from the left-hand pane
  3. Under General Settings, expand the CloudCare Agent Settings section
  4. Go to the Restart Options tab

Here, you can choose from the following options:

  • Alert user, perform action when user logs off: Users will be notified about the upcoming restart, which will happen once they log out. If no user is logged in, the restart will happen immediately.
  • Alert user and force restart: The users will be notified about the upcoming restart, which will happen after the amount of time you specify in the Countdown field (in minutes). You can choose whether the users can postpone the restart and for how long, and whether they can cancel the restart. You can also choose for how long the restart notification will be displayed on end devices.
  • Do not alert user, do not force a restart: Automatic restarts will be disabled. Devices will need to be restarted manually when needed, either from the console (see Running Tasks) or locally.
    • Choosing this option could affect future patch or update deployments if there is a restart pending on Windows OS.


Enabling the Alert user, perform action when user logs off or Alert user and force restart option will automatically suppress any Device needs restart alerts that have been configured (at master or customer level). With the Do not alert user, do not force a restart option, these alerts will be enforced.