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Installing Mobile Protection on Android

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Small Office Protection


To install Mobile Protection on an Android device:

  1. Download Avast Mobile Security from Play Store
  2. Click Install
  3. If necessary, click Accept to allow the download to begin

Once the application is installed on your device, you can click the icon to open it. From there, you should follow the instructions provided in Activating Subscriptions on Android.

Removing Mobile Protection

Due to the Device Administrator permission used by the Anti-Theft component, Avast Mobile Protection on Android is protected against uninstallation. If you are using the Anti-Theft feature, you must deactivate this permission prior to uninstalling the application.

The below steps can differ slightly depending on your device model, Android version, and vendor customizations.

Removing Device Administrator Permission

  1. From your device's Settings, go to Privacy Protection > Special Permissions
  2. Tap Device admin apps
  3. Tap Avast Mobile Security
  4. Tap Deactivate to disable the permission

Uninstalling Mobile Protection

  1. From your device's Settings, go to Apps > Manage Apps
  2. Select Avast Mobile Security
  3. Tap Uninstall
  4. Tap Ok to confirm the action