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Threat and Alert Types

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business On-Premise Console

Device Statuses

Your devices are marked with colored dots so you can easily see the state of your network. Different statuses are marked with different colors.

  • Green—Indicates the device is protected and safe. No action is required.
  • Yellow—Indicates the device is vulnerable. For example, a device might be yellow if a scan has not been run in a long time, or if the device has been added within the last thirty days but has not been activated. If a device is yellow, you should take the recommended action as soon as possible.
  • Red—Indicates the device is in danger. For example, if a threat has been detected on the device. Take immediate action.
  • Grey—Indicates the device is inactive or is in the process of being activated. Decide whether to activate the device or remove it from the network.

Device Status Breakdown

Device Global Status Antivirus Status (AV-related risks) Patches Status (Patch-related risks) Device Status (Device-related risk checks) One or More Product Subscriptions
  • Deployed
  • Deploying
  • Ignored
  • Scheduled
  • Failed to deploy - whole patch in policy is OFF
  • Missing (Critical) - whole patch in policy is OFF
  • Valid
  • Threat found and resolved
  • Virus definitions older than 7 days
  • Missing (Important)
  • Failed to scan (patch)
  • Device offline more than 14 days
  • Restart needed
  • Valid
In Danger
  • Threat found and unresolved
  • One of the Shields disabled
  • Virus definitions older than 14 days
  • Failed to deploy - whole patch in policy is ON
  • Missing (Critical) - whole patch in policy is ON
  • Device offline more than 30 days
  • MacOS drivers missing
  • Version older than 18.8 (Win XP, Vista)
  • Client out of date
  • Valid
  • Invalid

Device Alerts

Alerts and threat notifications for the On-Premise Console are simple. If your device message indicates one of these alerts, please take the recommended action.

  • Virus definitions are out of date. New virus definitions are available. Update your virus definitions.
  • A threat was detected and is currently in Quarantine. View Quarantine. You are taken to Quarantine where you can see entries filtered by the current device.
  • Your device has been out of communication for an extended period. The device may be unprotected. Check why the device is not connected to the network and connect it.
  • The device software is out of date. A new software version is available. Create and execute the program update task on the current device.
  • Web Shield is currently disabled on your device. Check the status of your device settings and enable Web Shield as needed.
  • File Shield is currently disabled on your device. Check the status of your device settings and enable File Shield as needed.
  • Mail Shield is currently disabled on your device. Check the status of your device settings and enable Mail Shield as needed.


Other Articles In This Section:

Configuring Threat Notifications

Resolving Threats

Related Articles:

Configuring Antivirus Exclusions