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Shutting Down and Restarting Devices

This Article Applies to:

  • Avast Business On-Premise Console

Tasks will only run on the assigned devices when those devices are online and communicating with the console. If a one-time task is skipped on a device due to the device being unreachable, it will run when the device becomes reachable again. In case of multiple missed instances of a recurring task, the task will run only once and then continue on the schedule. In case of one-time/recurring restart or shutdown tasks, however, the missed ones will not be run again.

All tasks created via the Tasks page will apply to all devices in your network, while those created via the Devices page will only apply to the devices you select.


When you change a device's assigned policy, subscription, or update the virus definitions or Antivirus program, you may need to restart the device for the change to take effect. The On-Premise Console's restart/shutdown tasks enable you to remotely restart/shut down the devices in your network, notify the users beforehand, and decide if the restart/shutdown happens immediately or at a later time, and if it runs on a schedule.


To run a restart/shutdown task:

  1. Go to the Devices page to restart/shut down specific devices or to the Tasks page to restart/shut down all your devices
  2. If you are restarting/shutting down specific devices only, do one of the following:
    • For a single device, click the three dots next to the device to open its actions menu
    • For multiple devices, tick the checkboxes next to them, then click the Actions button above the list
  3. Select Create a task
  1. On the page that opens, select the Shutdown device tile
  2. Select Restart device or Shutdown device
  3. If you wish, you can edit the automatically generated alert message that will notify end users about the restart/shutdown
  4. Specify when the alert message is displayed to the users:
    • 1 minute before shutdown/restart
    • 10 minutes before shutdown/restart
    • 30 minutes before shutdown/restart
    • 1 hour before shutdown/restart
  5. If you want the restart/shutdown to be scheduled instead of immediately executed, tick the Schedule the shutdown checkbox, then specify the task's frequency (One-Time, Daily, Weekly, Monthly) and start date and time; otherwise, leave the checkbox unticked
  6. If you wish, you can edit the task's automatically generated name before proceeding
  7. Click Restart/Shutdown

Additional Options and Settings

Viewing Task Details and Stopping/Deleting Tasks

To learn how to access your tasks' details or stop/delete tasks, please refer to Managing Tasks.